Thursday, August 16, 2012

Metal Mouth

I'm miserable right now, because I just got my braces on today. They feel so weird and are super uncomfortable, but I'm trying to think positive, like how beautiful and straight my teeth will be again when I take them off in a couple of months. I say again because I once had super straight and aligned teeth. Since I was young I was never one of those kids who had to look extra awkward at school because of braces or glasses/specs. I was lucky with nice straight teeth, and yes I definitely had done my fair share of mocking metal mouths. Well, karma definitely is a bitch because now I'm a metal mouth. Many of my friends were puzzled when I shared that I was getting braces, because the work is really minor-- just two front teeth that are protruding out a little bit, and a teensy bit on my bottom row. But the thing is, growing up with perfectly straight teeth makes it difficult to accept that little imperfection. I became so self conscious of it that it was affecting my confidence, and I started smiling with my mouth closed. And my dentist did warn me that since the protrusion was due to my wisdom teeth coming out and pushing all the teeth forward, it was only a matter of time till my upper teeth went askew when there is no space left. So I guess for better or worse I'm stuck with a metal mouth for the next few months. Growing up, I always had these big wide smiles in photos, I can't wait till I'm confident enough with my teeth to smile like that again. 

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